Week 2: Laser Research

 Week 2: Laser Cutting Research

This week I spent a lot of time at looking at a variety of different 
things that laser cutting machine can make. 
What interested me the most was making something 3D using 2D
laser cut shapes. 3D lamps decor is what caught my attention the most.


The first one I looked closer at for my research was a lamp made out
of 40 ovals and then connected together with Medium Density Fiberboard.


The second lamp, I am not sure if it was laser cut, but I think someone could
replicate it. It uses the layers and a light box on top, and depending where you
move the light box, the light reflected changes. The designers were inspired by
"everything flows" and their concept explores light and depth.


The next piece I explored is cutting and etching on birch wood. I was inspired by
the use of layers, patterns and flat, contour etching in combination is what caught my eye 
on that one. 


The next piece is an installation made out of steel, it also utilizes light.
Anila Quayyum Agha enjoys making pieces that are "perceptually soothing
and conceptually challenging". 

Amsterdam's 3D printed digital designed bridge. 12 m long, curved steel. Made
by Dutch tech start-up MX3D Joris Laarman Lab and others. Organic, S-shaped bridge. 
They used Grasshobber, Karamba, tool used in Rhino? 

Other things I found interesting: Laser Etching Glass

This website shows the process and details of how someone etched layers of glass 
to make a 3D image. 

Materials Laser cutters can typically cut: Acrylic, Plywood, MDF, Cardboard, POM
PolyOxyMethylene, Foam, Metal, Leather, Plastic, Cork, Textiles, Paper



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