P1: Week 1

Project 1: Surface Design/ Mosaic
Week 1:

Found Flat Surfaces: I found these in my apartment, I realize I don't have much patterns that aren't just stripes. I thought these were interesting because some are not super obvious patterns unless you look closely at everyday items. Patterns in textiles and weaving: 

 1. Tea towel
    2. Paper Towel
    3. Blanket
    4. Lamp
    5. Notebook

Chosen pattern:

Q: For the flower above, if you trim something,
then shape is no longer closed, and so it cant use the
hatch command, would you just have to close it and
draw along the line or is there another way to do that? 

Traced certain parts of the notebook.
Played around with hatch tool.

Used lots of, rotate and copy, trim,
extend and join.

I got more familiar with curve tool
and control points. And moving
layers around, sublayers, and
moving objects onto different

I drew my mosaic as something to be etched. 

For the final design I took the
pieces that I traced from the original
surface and rearranged them,
spaced them out, copied and
paste it and trimmed, I split
some leaves into smaller pieces, 
rotated, scale, offset, to make it
have variation, mirror were other
commands that I played
around with.
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