Reverse Engineer Project Wk 1

 Reverse Engineer Project Wk 1

Most things I have that are dissectible are larger things. However I found a few things I could take apart. 
#1- A small container
#2- A mechanical pencil
#3- A small flashlight.

Item #1: Its a mini lunch box container simple components only 4 parts, has some typography, and repeated connections

Item #2: mechanical pencil thats missing its top for the eraser. This is a nice object theres indents for clip, and grip. The body of it has a unique shape. it has a spring, screw. All the pieces can be separated and looked at closely. 

Item #3: Flashlight- batteries x4 with container, spring, screw on closure has texture. Downside is that you cant dissect it too much. 

Chosen Item: #2 mechanical pencil because I think it has some complexities in the details that will be challenging and its a bonus that it can pretty much be dissected apart and placed together. it also has metal and plastic components too which is nice. 

Started some detailing of different components and views.


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