3D printing process


Started with making simple box shapes

boolean union difficulties

I fixed by dupe the edge and extruding it so it meets all the way down to the bottom of the containor

shell to creat width of inside the box

measured distance to determine size of the inside tray -1.55 twice from each width and length then offseted by 1 because it needed to be slightly larger

starfish offset, split and trim to combine shapes

Starfish Tray Piece

I made the Starfish sketch cleaner

starfish offset, split and trim to combine shapes- the plan is to have two layers/ at two different heights so that the starfish stands out

Ornamentation for the side of the soap dish/container

I thought it would be cool to add ornamentation on the container along with the pattern, not as intricate but still figuring it out. 


Curve mirror arc tool, split in half and then used under surfaced 'curve network'- this combined the different lateral and vertical heights.

Then using arc tool to create shell shape, and straigt lines from the center to the edge of the arc. Selected the straightlines, projected onto shell shape- which made the lines follow the curve of the surface, sweeped 2 the edges

did this with this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hvuUeDc5I0

I couldnt figure out how to do it to the shape I wanted

copied and pasted it. Duped the edges and connected it with a poly line used sweep 2, Joined it to make a closed polysurface. This video helped give me an idea of how to make a surface 3D: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAre1dRvUbU&list=PLXeFqCRRSA3hGU688eWuYVTk5_RJdlFp3

Seaweed Ornament


used cage edit to edit sweep 2 result

Some support considerations: for the box there is a overhang where the tray would go currently I might just make extend downwards so its supported

Update:  I still have to figure out printing and the lid part of the container. Right now the lid will slide and fit right on top of it. 
The container will also be cut to have a opening for drainage, and so the user can easily grab the tray.
I want to continue to try to figure out organic shapes into it too, also round some edges so its not so harshly cut. but this alone took a bunch of time watching tutorials. I'm not sure how the 3d printer will like the ornamentation and all the angles stuff so thats something I still need to figure out!


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